The first series of Akamae straw bags was developed by designer Inès Bressand with master basket makers during a three-month research trip to Ghana in 2014-2015. A keen understanding of the local natural straw - known as elephant grass - and artisanal basketry techniques allowed her to develop a series of bold accessories.
The Akamae straw bags come from the Upper East region of Ghana and are woven by independent women artisans, coordinated at a local fair trade craft center. This organization allows them to freely combine their basketry, farming and domestic activities. Because of the complexity of their forms, Akamae straw bags require specific technical knowledge, which ensures a long-term relationship with the basket makers with whom we have worked since the beginning of the project.
In our workshop in Saint-Pierreville (Ardèche, France) managed by Eve Chaumontet, the raw straw bags are shaped and completed with vegetable-tanned French leather handles. All the manufacturing is done by skilled hands and with simple tools, in an intercultural and respectful artisanal collaboration.
Inès Bressand Studio explores innovative and high-quality basketry. The Marseille-based designer regularly travels to Ghana to develop new techniques and offer a unique formal approach. Since 2018, a new edition of straw bags is designed each year for the Spring/Summer season. The Akamae line is available in selected boutiques worldwide and on our online store.